Hi Vasilenko,

I moved the thread to another mailing list.

At 12:55 AM 05-11-2021, Vasilenko Eduard wrote:
Privacy is a myth.

OTTs deliver 70% of traffic. They could correlate users by 100 parameters (including your browser window size).
Just changing IID would not impact their correlation. Not at all.

Your carrier has to know all your sessions for Lawful Intercept.

Whom you are trying to mislead by IID changes?

It just creates a heavy load on logs collection for troubleshooting, forensic, and legal intercept.

The point which you made correlation is correct.

Session-level information is sometimes collected for network management purposes. An external party can request access to it for investigating, for example, a crime [1]. I doubt that the external party would use information generated through correlation (using, for example, browser information) in their investigation.

IIDs, as designed, did not address privacy concerns. It could be because the assumptions were incorrect.

As a response to your comment about privacy, I noticed that some participants changed their identification information over the last few years. It may have been influenced about concerns about privacy.

Are you trying to say that the IETF participants' expectation of privacy does not match reality?

S. Moonesamy

1. It depends on the jurisdiction.
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