Hello all,
I have just had a very troubling email conversation with your executive
director, Jay Daley, who has outright refused to honour a Personal Data
removal request.

I had previously written into a mailing list without realising that it was
one, or that my email address would be publicly listed under
https://mailarchive.ietf.org/ for Search Engines and Spammers to slurp up.

I have attempted to follow the proper channels to remove the data and make
my case, but despite this, Jay Daley has personally intervened to refuse
this request. He has responded extremely quickly, so I doubt that he has
consulted with others about this.

So, if you have noticed an increasing amount of spam coming to your inbox,
you have the IETF to blame.

With all the RFCs and Meta-RFCs, I am actually surprised that no one has
made one to enshrine Privacy of email addresses on open websites to reduce
spam, and IETF would themselves be privacy violators.

The call it a "Request For Comment", that is they actively encourage you to
make a comment - but they don't tell you about how the metadata around your
comment is going to be used.

Full email chain with my privacy protected to follow.
ietf-privacy mailing list

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