At 9:18 AM +0300 8/12/07, Yoav Nir wrote:
In Chicago there was some controversy about whether multiple administrators should be in scope. This charter draft says that they're in. I'm not saying they shouldn't be, but it does add complexity.

Indeed. But the complexity might be able to be contained with very different assumptions than the ones you made.

If they're in, we need to answer big questions:
- If TAA1 adds a TA, can TAA2 delete it?
- If no, should there be "hard-delete" where it does delete it?
- If TAA1 adds a TA, and then TAA2 adds it again, and then TAA1 deletes it, is it there or not?
- Should TAA2 be able to query TAs added by TAA1?
- Should we have a delete-all command (I think that's necessary for the store-and-forward scenario) - How does delete-all interact with multiple TAAs? Do we need a hard-delete-all?

I would answer these questions no, yes, yes, yes, yes and yes, but these are far from trivial.

This takes the view that the TAAs "add" and "delete" TAs. A very different view, one that makes things a lot simpler, is that TAAs propose additions and deletions, and the software for the recipient of those proposals chooses whether or not to act on those proposals. As I said at the mic in Chicago, I'm not suggesting that end users need to think about each TAA action; they can just make policy decisions and let the software act accordingly.

For example, assume that the user has the setting "TAA1 is more important than TAA2". Then, in your examples:

- If TAA1 adds a TA, can TAA2 delete it?


- If no, should there be "hard-delete" where it does delete it?

No. I would be against having various strengths of "add" and "delete"; no one will be able to figure them out.

- If TAA1 adds a TA, and then TAA2 adds it again, and then TAA1 deletes it, is it there or not?

It is not.

- Should TAA2 be able to query TAs added by TAA1?

Yes. A simpler and more general mechanism is that any TAA can query the TA store, and that store says which TAA added each TA.

- Should we have a delete-all command (I think that's necessary for the store-and-forward scenario)

No. That would leave the user with no one to trust, including the party that issued the delete-all. The TAM software should never leave the user with no TAs except under dire circumstances.

- How does delete-all interact with multiple TAAs? Do we need a hard-delete-all?

Moot; see above.

I believe that most users who have multiple TAAs could set an order for precedence to them. I also think writing software to act on the precedence is quite straightforward: the two rules are "only allow delete proposals from TAAs at the same level or higher as the TAA who added this TA" and "if a TA has been deleted, only allow it to be re-added by a TAA at the same level or higher than the one who deleted it".

Does this simplification seem like a good one?

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium

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