For all of these, the message must also be in plain-text.

----- Original Message -----
From: Rush, Otto A <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 1999 10:23 AM
Subject: Un-subscribing from lists

> For all you that do not know how to un-subscribe from a list.  Your root
> problem is your sending your mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], when you should be
> sending it to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  The below is help text from the list
> server.
> Hope this helps
> This help message is being sent to you from the Majordomo mailing list
> management system at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> This is version 1.94.4 of Majordomo.
> If you're familiar with mail servers, an advanced user's summary of
> Majordomo's commands appears at the end of this message.
> Majordomo is an automated system which allows users to subscribe
> and unsubscribe to mailing lists, and to retrieve files from list
> archives.
> You can interact with the Majordomo software by sending it commands
> in the body of mail messages addressed to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".
> Please do not put your commands on the subject line; Majordomo does
> not process commands in the subject line.
> You may put multiple Majordomo commands in the same mail message.
> Put each command on a line by itself.
> If you use a "signature block" at the end of your mail, Majordomo may
> mistakenly believe each line of your message is a command; you will
> then receive spurious error messages.  To keep this from happening,
> either put a line starting with a hyphen ("-") before your signature,
> or put a line with just the word
> end
> on it in the same place.  This will stop the Majordomo software from
> processing your signature as bad commands.
> Here are some of the things you can do using Majordomo:
> To get a list of publicly-available mailing lists on this system, put the
> following line in the body of your mail message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> lists
> Each line will contain the name of a mailing list and a brief description
> of the list.
> To get more information about a particular list, use the "info" command,
> supplying the name of the list.  For example, if the name of the list
> about which you wish information is "demo-list", you would put the line
> info demo-list
> in the body of the mail message.
> Once you've determined that you wish to subscribe to one or more lists on
> this system, you can send commands to Majordomo to have it add you to the
> list, so you can begin receiving mailings.
> To receive list mail at the address from which you're sending your mail,
> simply say "subscribe" followed by the list's name:
> subscribe demo-list
> If for some reason you wish to have the mailings go to a different address
> (a friend's address, a specific other system on which you have an account,
> or an address which is more correct than the one that automatically
> in the "From:" header on the mail you send), you would add that address to
> the command.  For instance, if you're sending a request from your work
> account, but wish to receive "demo-list" mail at your personal account
> (for which we will use "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" as an example), you'd put
> the line
> subscribe demo-list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> in the mail message body.
> Based on configuration decisions made by the list owners, you may be added
> to the mailing list automatically.  You may also receive notification
> that an authorization key is required for subscription.  Another message
> will be sent to the address to be subscribed (which may or may not be the
> same as yours) containing the key, and directing the user to send a
> command found in that message back to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (This can be
> a bit of extra hassle, but it helps keep you from being swamped in extra
> email by someone who forged requests from your address.)  You may also
> get a message that your subscription is being forwarded to the list owner
> for approval; some lists have waiting lists, or policies about who may
> subscribe.  If your request is forwarded for approval, the list owner
> should contact you soon after your request.
> Upon subscribing, you should receive an introductory message, containing
> list policies and features.  Save this message for future reference; it
> will also contain exact directions for unsubscribing.  If you lose the
> intro mail and would like another copy of the policies, send this message
> intro demo-list
> (substituting, of course, the real name of your list for "demo-list").
> Your original intro message contains the exact command which should be
> used to remove your address from the list.  However, in most cases, you
> may simply send the command "unsubscribe" followed by the list name:
> unsubscribe demo-list
> (This command may fail if your provider has changed the way your
> address is shown in your mail.)
> To remove an address other than the one from which you're sending
> the request, give that address in the command:
> unsubscribe demo-list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> In either of these cases, you can tell [EMAIL PROTECTED] to remove
> the address in question from all lists on this server by using "*"
> in place of the list name:
> unsubscribe *
> unsubscribe * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To find the lists to which your address is subscribed, send this command
> in the body of a mail message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> which
> You can look for other addresses, or parts of an address, by specifying
> the text for which Majordomo should search.  For instance, to find which
> users at are subscribed to which lists, you might send the
> command
> which
> Note that many list owners completely or fully disable the "which"
> command, considering it a privacy violation.
> To get a list of the addresses on a particular list, you may use the
> "who" command, followed by the name of the list:
> who demo-list
> Note that many list owners allow only a list's subscribers to use the
> "who" command, or disable it completely, believing it to be a privacy
> violation.
> Many list owners keep archives of files associated with a list.  These
> may include:
> - back issues of the list
> - help files, user profiles, and other documents associated with the list
> - daily, monthly, or yearly archives for the list
> To find out if a list has any files associated with it, use the "index"
> command:
> index demo-list
> If you see files in which you're interested, you may retrieve them by
> using the "get" command and specifying the list name and archive filename.
> For instance, to retrieve the files called "profile.form" (presumably a
> form to fill out with your profile) and "demo-list.9611" (presumably the
> messages posted to the list in November 1996), you would put the lines
> get demo-list profile.form
> get demo-list demo-list.9611
> in your mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To contact a human site manager, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To contact the owner of a specific list, send mail to that list's
> approval address, which is formed by adding "-approval" to the user-name
> portion of the list's address.  For instance, to contact the list owner
> for [EMAIL PROTECTED], you would send mail to
> To get another copy of this help message, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with a line saying
> help
> in the message body.
> In the description below items contained in []'s are optional. When
> providing the item, do not include the []'s around it.  Items in angle
> brackets, such as <address>, are meta-symbols that should be replaced
> by appropriate text without the angle brackets.
> It understands the following commands:
>     subscribe <list> [<address>]
> Subscribe yourself (or <address> if specified) to the named <list>.
>     unsubscribe <list> [<address>]
> Unsubscribe yourself (or <address> if specified) from the named
> <list>.
> "unsubscribe *" will remove you (or <address>) from all lists.  This
> _may not_ work if you have subscribed using multiple addresses.
>     get <list> <filename>
>         Get a file related to <list>.
>     index <list>
>         Return an index of files you can "get" for <list>.
>     which [<address>]
> Find out which lists you (or <address> if specified) are on.
>     who <list>
> Find out who is on the named <list>.
>     info <list>
> Retrieve the general introductory information for the named <list>.
>     intro <list>
> Retrieve the introductory message sent to new users.
> Non-subscribers
> may not be able to retrieve this.
>     lists
> Show the lists served by this Majordomo server.
>     help
> Retrieve this message.
>     end
> Stop processing commands (useful if your mailer adds a signature).
> Commands should be sent in the body of an email message to
> "[EMAIL PROTECTED]". Multiple commands can be processed provided
> each occurs on a separate line.
> Commands in the "Subject:" line are NOT processed.
> If you have any questions or problems, please contact

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