I got this e-mail four times !!

Once from ietf-list, from megaco-list and from [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
again from enum-list. 

I like to see this company also in censored-list !

Kimmo Rantanen

> The title: Flash Bandwidth 1KHz to 100MHz
>   Digital Controlled Broadband
>  Anti-alias & Reconstruction Filter
> Dear Sir: This is my discussion article.
> The details:
> http://www.cnindex.net/~tjsh/Base_of_Broadband_Access.html
> http://www.cnindex.net/~tjsh/Base_of_Broadband_Access.doc
> Sincerely,
> Robert Tan
> 11.22
> Flash Bandwidth 1KHz to 100MHz
> Digital Controlled Broadband
> Anti-alias & Reconstruction Filter
> The Next Era Web of Multimedia Data-stream
> Transmission Solution of the Internet!
> By Robert Tan
> Update: 1999. 11. 22
> For the many more format and definite of standard of digital film and
> video, digital audio
> and the other multimedia data stream of tomorrow, the existing network
> technology including
> the modern internet webs will be fabulous and difficult to transmit it
> for us. The Endpoint
> Congestion almost resistant our viewer area full of the entire world,
> would need the
> straightway link of the multi-media data-stream in real-time for us.
> Would you like to get a lower cost & more effective digital signal
> channel in a wide-bandwidth
> or broadband hybrid coax cable system? For the FTTX, HFC networks,
> especially in the HFC
> networks with the 256QAM or 64VSB digital modulation technology
> the SSB-ASK or the
> VSB-ASK technology transmission systems would be used normally. The
> Flash Bandwidth 1KHZ to
> 100MHz digital control a variable frequency bandwidth, it is
> high-performance anti-alias &
> reconstruction (FBW) filter, it will be able to provide a variable
> multiplex sub-frequency
> band in any broadband HFC system. With the FDM assistant digital carry
> system and SSB or VSB
> signal channel, a group of FBW filters will provide separate
> multi-frequency bands in spectrum
> without any cross talking and distortion by a large frequency range in
> high-speed high-
> effective transmission system. In a FTTX or HFC web, this digital
> controlled signal channel
> would have a very large frequency spectrum changed dynamic range. For
> large client group,
> such as the Broadband Cable Internet Access or HFC users, one of them
> would like to get a
> variable data speed according to the applications of his needed. It
> provide a lot of
> digital control frequency bandwidth which is separated one another in
> HFC transmission system,
> and it will more effective for the "hot clients", such as the VOD
> clients or the other
> high-code rate users and high-speed data stream user's applications.
> FBW will improve the
> speed of the data stream, diminish the amount of the spare resource
> seizing of "Cool Clients",
> reduce the calculations of the DSP processor of the center web main
> switching system and the
> branch switching system. Reduce the CPU utilities of the applications
> all of client
> communication adapter and its cost of produce is very important. The
> "Cool Clients" mains
> the IP telephone users or the other lower speed code rate audio
> applications. Anyway, the
> speed of the up-stream data and down-stream data speed could be
> to any value you
> needed, and the changing degree will be very smoothly and very simply
> writing one or
> two bytes in the command system of communication web switcher. By the
> high-speed frequency
> variable characteristic, if the FBW filter were used in your FTTX or
> switching system,
> the upward and downward data stream speed could be managed and
> by your command
> system. So that, the transmission bandwidth will be able to adjusted
> your needed in any
> time within one millionth second. The real-time will be very more
> improved and more effective
> on the communication main roads such as FTTX and HFC system,
> transmission controlling system
> will completely control the data stream in real-time.
> Dear Technology Research and Development Administrator:
>    I am an electronic engineer in the field of Analog and Digital
> filters researching and
> designing. I had been a DSP engineer for ten years. My development
> is electronic circuits
> -- digital and analog hardware designing and researching in
> of Digital Signal
> Processing. My works contains the frequency spectrum analysis, digital
> audio and digital video
> systems, noise spectrum controlling and processing, and the other
> military applications. I have
> researched and designed several kind of analog and digital anti-alias
> reconstruction filters.
> A few years before, in my R&D works, I find the special frequency of
> filters is usually
> fixed, it could be very difficult to change the cutoff frequency of
> low-pass anti-alias
> & reconstruction filter. But the fixed filter could not suit the
> of my technical
> applications. If we want to get several special frequency of the
> filters, we must to use
> several different fixed filters or instead of fixed filter with
> switching capacity filter
> or digital filter, such as IIR or FIR filter, and their frequency must
> be variable in order
> to change the analysis frequency. It is very important for the
> analysis system and
> the digital random real time vibrated controlling system. But, in this
> way, we must pay for
> digital IIR or FIR filter, it is very expensive in the price, take a
> large space for the DSP
> chips and its outside memory banks to install it. So, we would get
> much troubles and
> complex questions from a simple problem.
> However, we have the switching capacity technologies, and the product
> up to 8th order
> filters is a very normally used. But the switching capacity filter
> have a high noise
> and low frequency range, and it has a non-exactly special frequency,
> generally. The special
> frequency of most of the switching capacity filters is from 1/95 to
> 1/105 times of its main
> switching clock and it is difficult to improve its accuracy. Actually,
> the switching capacity
> filter circuit is very difficult to adjust and use in applications.
> Anywise, its order is
> normally below 8th order, and the special frequency and bandwidth of
> switching capacity
> filters is below to 50KHz, and the amplitude response is not exactly
> yet, the dynamic range
> of the amplitude is very low, normally, it is below the 48dB. Except
> frequency range from
> 0 to 50Hz, in this field, its dynamic range is lower than 30 dB and
> usefully, it is
> normally being used in the speech processing circuit and the other
> frequency band
> processing systems. Attention, all of this analysis is not including
> phase noise of the
> main switching clock and the noise of clock feed through yet. The
> others, it is difficult to
> get much more analysis frequency bands or special frequency points for
> the switching capacity
> filters, it is especially for the higher frequency band which is
> approached to the top
> frequency point. All of these characteristics of the switching
> filters will restrict
> its applications in the area of modern digital communications.
> The others method of the filters designing is the contact-time analog
> filter .I have found
> some method. It could make many transfer functions. Such as the
> elliptical function,
> Chebyshev function and Butterworth function, but there is some
> interesting things here,
> it is that the same circuit frame could be built into many transfer
> functions, and it
> would have programmable (digital controlled) special frequency.
> special frequency
> on line is available. It could get the very wide frequency range, very
> quickly to change
> the used band, and the digital controlled circuit is very directly and
> simply, the special
> frequency step is very smoothly (because the Frequency is controlled
> long bit Digital
> multiplier). In that points, integrate the FBW filter circuit
> is very useful
> for the digital controlling and processing systems. Because of the
> Digital Controlling
> Flash Bandwidth Filer (FBW) is depend on a few chips of high quality 8
> or 12 bits long
> Digital Multiplier and a few chips of high-speed amplifiers. The
> this filter
> technology is used with a few exactitude resistors and exactitude
> capacitors also. For
> example, an 8th order elliptical filter need 8chips of dual Digital
> Multiplier and several
> chips high bandwidth amplifiers, 8chips exactitude capacitors and
> several chips exactitude
> resisters. If it is possible, integrating all the Digital Multiplier
> amplifiers into
> one chip or one plastic package (mixed circuit), place all the
> exactitude resistors and
> capacitors out of the package. It will be finest filter and very easy
> used and could
> be re-designed agilely by the customers and the OEMs. The parameter of
> the filters is
> depending on the value of the resistors and the capacitors. Its value
> could be designed
> by the customs freely and calculated by constant functions directly,
> that is very
> simply.
> And then, the FBW filters would be very usefully in the FTTX or HFC
> networks. For working
> with the 256QAM or 64VSB modulation technology and any narrow-band
> transmission technology
> systems, such as the Broadband Cable Internet Access webs, HDTV or
> and VOD systems, it
> would compress the used frequency bandwidth in mostly extent. Because
> the WAN systems in
> any nations will be depending on the "Tree structures" as the main
> in the webs in the
> future. The frequency source is very expensive in this web, It would
> welcomed in the
> Internet web digital information transmission, exchanging and
> technology area,
> DSP area and digital communications area, such as MAN and WAN coax
> webs or the FTTX
> system applications. Any way, the most of modern networking
> mode is TDM. It
> is very suitable for the text material or media, because of it is a
> fixed media in size,
> and it is the fixed continue time in length and generation procedure.
> But the most of
> multimedia is not to be suitable with that. The data stream of voice
> video will have
> no constant size to be forecasted has no constant procedure time. It
> only have a constant
> and fixed bandwidth of media data stream. Because of your interesting
> points is onto the
> generations and the procedures of the video or audio information of
> material or the
> news, such as the high quality digital cinema, digital musicale and so
> on. Certainly, you
> could take the any multimedia information and any moving picture on
> desktop through the
> Internet Web. It will be appeared the true alive world with you in any
> site you can go! So
> that, the only one of best way of the media data streams transmission
> and exchanging is the
> FDM mode with the SSB-ASK or VSB-ASK technology, it should be working
> with the QAM or
> VSB- ASK digital modulation technology in the future Internet webs.
> FBW filter would be used in most of switchers and routers, which is
> depending on the FDM
> technologies. For the cable TV systems STB (set top box), video &
> servers in Broadband
> Cable Internet Access, cable modems or the client-end adapters in the
> most of family users
> and the most of business cable users in the world will need a very
> deal of broadband
> web transmission bandwidth. Because of that, in any modern
> home-electronic equipment, such
> as the Internet officers, shopping's and the VOD or the other
> information
> electronics, its using method would be depending on the FDM switching
> technologies. So that,
> the "Online Home-Electronics" or the other Internet accessing products
> which is used in
> people's homes would be simply to operate and easy to use. And it must
> be depend on the
> simply low-layer hardware equipment and protocols of the webs, such as
> the VOD systems
> and the STB terminals in the Broadband Cable Internet Access or HFC
> networks. The FBW
> technology would provide us more applicable and useable method in the
> physics layer of
> the public HFC networks, its FDM applications in a broadband web get
> in a lower building
> price, more effective than the other technology. Such as the Broadband
> Cable Internet Access
> webs, HFC networks, FTTX networks, and the other and the other WAN
> public broadband networks
> would have a very great applications of the FBW filters.
> The others, using a Flash-Band-width filter will help you get in to a
> fully data stream
> bandwidth management of any expensive data-link channels and the very
> expensive communication
> data stream bandwidth, such as the communication data-link of the
> satellite communication
> systems, and the ocean bottom communication systems. FBW filter will
> control the any leased
> data-stream bandwidth in dynamic mode within a very large frequency
> range, a large range of
> signal frequency bandwidth and data-stream speed in any time for a
> communication administration
> and operation system. It will change the bandwidth with you leased
> stream very imminently
> within several microsecond, improve your expensive bandwidth of
> data-stream transmission channel,
> save your leased payment and money cost for any customers of digital
> communications and any
> Tele-communication operating and service company. It will hold any
> important transmission of
> data-stream in smoothly and take it freely. So, in this system, any
> interrupt of your
> communication data stream will be never.
> The Digital Control Flash Bandwidth Filter specifications:
> (1) General details:
> Frequency range:   0.1Hz--100MHz
> Useable frequency range:  0.1Hz--100MHz(at least)
> Special frequency step:  0.001Hz-1000KHz
> Transfer functions:   Elliptical, Butterworth, Chebyshev, and Bassel
> function.
>        And the others contacted-time filters.
> Available filter type:  Low-pass filter, High-pass filter, Notch
>        Band-pass filter and All-pass filter.
> Noise Level:  -160dB(max) (Only depend on the number of the used
> amplifiers.)
> Order range: 2nd--12th(Depend on the sensitivity of the transfer
> functions.)
> Filter switching time:  Less than 300nS (Filter Setting time is 200nS)
> Useful Range:    Anti-alias filters, Reconstruction filters.
> (2) Pass Band Specifications:
> Frequency selectable range:  100Hz--100MHz
> (Depend on the performance of the selected amplifiers)
> Special Frequency steps:  1Hz-1000KHz
> Pass band Dynamic range: 90dB (Depend on the amplifiers and the order
> the filter.)
> Ripple:  0.01--1.0dB (Only depend on the filter function and the
> passband ripple designed.)
> (3) Pass to Stop Band:
> Drop speed of Interim-band Cut-off:
> 180db/oct (8th order elliptical function with 0.05dB pass-band ripple)
> (4) Stop Band:
> Amplitude min drop:  120db(8th elliptical filter for example)
> Frequency range:   0.1Hz--100MHz
> (Depend on the amplifiers and the Digital Multiplier specifications)
> (5) Digital Control specifications:
> Digital component is used (8 bit, 10bit, 12bit, and 16bit is
> The special frequency is (N1/N2) * Frequency (ref).
> (The N1, N2 is the Digital component input byte, from 8bit to 16 bit.)
> The Frequency (ref) is form 10Hz to 10MHz.
> (This parameter is depends on one RC time constant.)
> High speed and voltage feedback high-bandwidth operation amplifiers
> required.
> (6) Requirement: (The filter section of 8th order)
> Digital component:    8 chips (Selections depend on the frequency
> High-performance Amplifiers: 12 to 24 chips (Selections depend on the
> frequency)
> Capacitors or inductors:   8 chips (exactitude degree value is 1% to
> 0.1%)
> Resistors:          16-36 chips (exactitude degree value is 1% to
> (7) Group delay:                Depend on the function of the filter
> designed, filter
>                                 phase response designed, and the
> order.
> (8) Filter switching time:  Less than 300nS (Filter Setting time is
> 200nS)
>    The Comparisons of the 4 kinds active Filters
> For example:
> 8th order filter
> Switching Capacity Filter
> Digital Filter
> (FIR or IIR Filter)
> Traditional
> Fixed Analog Frequency Filter
> Digital controlling FBW filter
> Noise Level or  (THD+N) Value:
> Highest
> -48db
> Lower
> -70db
> Very Low
> -160db
> Very Low
> -120db
> Filter Dynamic Range
> The Value:
> Little
> 50db
> Middle
> 70db
> Very Large
> 160db
> Large
> 100db
> Real-time          active frequency
> The range of the value:
> Narrow
> 200Hz to 300KHz
> Wide
> 0.001Hz to  50KHz
> Very Wide
> 0.1Hz   to 1MHz
> Very wide
> 0.001Hz    to 100MHz
> The Outside in advance  Anti-alias & Reconstruction assistant filter
> requirement
> The degree of assistant filter Quality
> Required
> 2nd to 4th order  anti-alias & reconstruction assistant outside filter
> Required
> 4th to 6th order anti-alias & reconstruction   assistant outside
> Not required.
> ----------
> Not required
> ----------
> The Precision of the special  frequency:
> The ability of on-line changing the filter special frequency
> &Method
> Low.
> +/-3%
> Very easy
> (Changing the switching clock)
> High
> +/-3%
> Very difficult
> (Change a new programs and
> parameters )
> Very high
> 0.1%
> Very difficult.
> (Changing the system time
> constant)
> Very high
> 0.1%
> Easy(Writing  digital word to the filter control port)
> The complex degree of the filter system designing
> &The used space
> Simple
> Small
> Very complex
> Very large
> Simple
> Middle
> Middle
> Middle
> The price for  produce a filter
> &The difficult degree of the applications
> Very low
> $10~50
> Easy
> Very high
> $300~600
> Difficult
> Low
> $30~90
> Easy
> Middle
> $50~100
> Middle
> Anti-alias &  Reconstruction filter Performance: (1)Pass Band
> Ripple &Dynamic Range:
> (2)Stop Band
> Rejection
> (3)Interim Band Dropping Slope:
> Low Quality & Low Price.
> +/-0.2db
> 50db
> 55db
> 50db/oct
> Normal or High Quality & High price
> +/-0.01db
> 70db
> 70db
> 130db/oct
> Normal Quality  & Low Price
> +/-0.01db
> 120db
> 120db
> 180db/oct
> High Quality  & & Middle Price.
> +/-0.01db
> 110db
> 120db
> 180db/oct
> Online/offline Changing of highest/lowest special frequency rate &
> Range:
> &changing time:
> All available
> 1000 times
> 300Hz to 300KHz
> 10mS(Time of PLL tracking & locked)
> Offline available
> Not available
> Not available
> Not available
> (Reboot DSP & A/D system)
> Offline available
> 1000 times
> Not available
> Not available
> All available
> 100000 times
> 1KHz to 100MHz
> 160nS (TTL 2 bytes writing time)
> Filter online reconstruction setting time (The total time  of
> filter frequency switched)
> 10mS
> Not available
> Not available
> 300nS
> Group delay and the phase response:
> Producer design only.
> Linear or Producer design only.
> Producer design only.
> Producer & User design is available.
> Equality data stream speed or comported speed of its TxDAC :
> &Butterworth 8th filter
> (Broadband  channel HFC usable signal dynamic range is  about 50dB):
> 4.8Kbps to 4.8Mbps
> (600SPS to 600KSPS)
> 8bit TxDAC
> Constant 400Kbps
> (50KSPS)
> 8bit TxDAC
> Constant 800Mbps
> (100MSPS)
> 8bit TxDAC
> 16Kbps to 1600Mbps
> (2KSPS to 200MSPS)
> 8bit TxDAC
> Suitable with the 8bit TxDAC and used 256QAM (or 64VSB) in  SSB/VSB
> of technology
> (Data speed of Base Band):
> Carrier signal RF full-band tie up:
> Difficult to be used with the 256QAM and 64VSB.
> (High Level Phase Noise)
> 4.8Kbps(Min)
> 4.8Mbps(Max)
> 384Hz to 384KHz
> Difficult to be used in variable data-speed transmission or receiving
> system
> Difficult to be used in variable data-speed transmission or receiving
> system
> With 256QAM:
> 8Kbps(Min)
> 800Mbps
> (Max)
> With 64VSB:
> 12Kbps(Min)
> 1200Mbps (Max).
> 1.28KHz to 128MHz
> For the HFC Specialty signal TV Channel:
> 40dB Eb/N
> 6MHz Full-band 64VSB model
> @1KHz-6MHz
> Data-rate:
> With 64VSB:
> 9.375Kbps
> (Min)
> 56.25Mbps
> (Max)
> Contact Address:
> No.2 Buliding Room1007,
> Mudanyuan Beili, Haidian District
> Beijing P. R. China,
> Post Code: 100083
> Name: Tan Junsheng (Robert Tan)
> Tele: 8610-82076834, 86-13701070213(Mobile)
> Homepage: http://www.cnindex.net/~tjsh
> Details Remind:
> http://www.cnindex.net/~tjsh/Base_of_Broadband_Access.html
> _______________________________________________
> enum mailing list
> http://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/enum

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