I have always noticed a half day or so time lag between when I get an
announcement and when I can find the document using the search engine but the
document is always there if you type in the expected URL by hand.  I noticed
the same problem with Brian's draft but I also noticed the problem on a few
other recent drafts which I am pretty sure I tried to pull after the usual time
lag would have expired.  In other words, I don't think this problem is specific
to Brian's draft...


On Dec 14,  7:58am, Spencer Dawkins wrote:
> Subject: So transparent I can't even SEE it...
> I was poking around looking for Brian's transparency draft, and noticed that
> it doesn't come up on the I-D Keyword search for either "Carpenter" or
> "Transparency".
> I found it by doing a text search on the Individual Submissions page, but -
> shouldn't draft-carpenter-transparency-05.txt come up when doing EITHER of
> the searches I tried?
> Spencer
> [ Attachment (application/x-html): 774 bytes
>   Encoded with "quoted-printable" ]
>-- End of excerpt from Spencer Dawkins

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