
"Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim" wrote:
> To Whom It May Concern
> Re: Last Call: Charter of the Internet Architecture Board (IAB) to BCP
> > The IESG plans to make a decision in the next few weeks, and
> > solicits final comments on this action.  Please send any
> > comments to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing lists
> > by February 9, 2000.
> > Files can be obtained via
> > http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-iab-rfc1601bis-02.txt
> General
> 1. Why should the IESG approve the charter? Why not the ISOC?

Because this is an IETF document defining the charter of an IETF committee.

> 2. There is no clear statement about the relationship between
>    ISOC and IAB. Why?

The following seems clear enough to me:

   The IAB acts as a source of advice and guidance to the Board of
   Trustees and Officers of the Internet Society concerning technical,
   architectural, procedural, and (where appropriate) policy matters
   pertaining to the Internet and its enabling technologies. If
   necessary the IAB may convene panels of knowledgeable people, hold
   hearings, and otherwise pursue the investigation of specific
   questions or topics presented to it by the Internet Society.

> 3. There is no clear statement about relationship with RFC-Editor,
>    IESG, IETF-Sec, IANA, and ICANN. Why?

On the contrary, relations with the RFC-Ed, IESG, and IANA are
described explicitly. There is no particular relationship with the
IETF Secretariat and no formal relationship whatever with ICANN,
so on those two there is nothing to describe.
> Accountability
> 4. As the community is not only exclusively the IETF anymore,
>    what does really "on behalf of the Internet Community" mean?

This phrase does not occur in the draft.

>    What measurement will be used? 

If the IETF doesn't like the job we do, they have recourse under BCP 10.

>    Will the IAB publish at least
>    an annual "progress report"? 

That might be a good idea if we had the time, but it is not something
to put in a charter.

> What/Where is the replacement of
>    what IAB previously reported in the IMR?

All the information previously supplied in the IMR is now available
on the IETF and/or RFC Editor web sites.

> 5. How will the IAB implement "own choosing" of BCP-9:
>    "The IAB shall then review the situation and attempt to resolve
>    it in a manner of its OWN CHOOSING."

These words are not in the draft we are discussing.

>    See also BCP-9:
>    6.5  Conflict Resolution and Appeals
>    6.5.1 Working Group Disputes
>    6.5.2 Process Failures
>    6.5.3 Questions of Applicable Procedure
>    See also BCP-11:
>    3.6  Internet Architecture Board
>    3.7  Internet Assigned Numbers Authority

I fail to see the relevance of this list to the document we are discussing.

> 6. What should the IAB/ISOC do, if the IESG signs a treaty without
>    having a Last Call?

I fail to see why this question is relevant to the document we are discussing

> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Enclosed is my suggested framework of 1601bis

I don't see any items in your framework that are both appropriate to
include in the charter and not included in the existing draft.


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