----- Original Message -----
From: "Vernon Schryver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> In other words and politically correct pretense asside, the IETF is not
> an international organization.  Despite its posturing, the IETF is a U.S.
> or perhaps North American organization that welcomes non-U.S. participants
> and occasionally spends a lot of its U.S. participants' time and money to
> try to make people outside of North America feel welcome.  If the IETF
> did honestly aspire to be an international organization, it would need
> the characteristics of the ITU (e.g. translators and high prices for
> documents).  Do you think that would be a good thing?

Now if this were to be the case, we should definitely set up an
European Internet Engineering Task Force and so on.

In such a scenario, maybe different parts of the world would even
choose different working languages.

This would definitely be a win towards reducing US centricness.

But would it be a win to the Internet ?


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