Ross Finlayson wrote:

> FYA: Seen on the web
>         Ross.

This article is an example on how to distribute DeCSS via DNS.
The article goes on to a "right thing to do", which is rounded
up by the following argument:

 Therefore, if the RIAA, the DVDCCA, or the MPAA attempt to sue the owner, he 
 for exactly the same reason, saying that they weren't even authorized to know what he 
 posting. If their suit is valid, then so it his, and contrariwise.

Which is misleading IMO because possession of stolen property
can be proven by a simple search warrant.  RIAA, the DVDCCA, or the
MPAA can easily get a search warrant, get the evidence and sue.

Also, IMO we should value privacy for what it is worth, not only for
what it is used.  Anyone is entitled to privacy rights, even if a
criminal or the RIAA.  Once we begin to try to justify the means
by pointing out a nice goal, then we easily justify Hitler and Stalin also.
Goals can be very nice and  look good on paper and speeches, but getting
there by ignoring basic rights is not a way to get there.

BTW, by citing Hitler, I hope to end this thread ;-)


Ed Gerck

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