It's come to my attention that there are a number of people who don't
<!@#!T%@! majordomo keyword eater> subscribe to IETF-Announce, but
who are on the IETF mailing list (I didn't think this combination was
common, but it does apparently happen), who didn't get the PGP
Keysigning invitation.

As a result, I'm resending it to the ietf mailing list, and my apologies
to those who have seen it twice.  I've included at the end of this
message the list of PGP keys which I have received so far.  If you don't
see your key on this list, and you think you sent it to me, I would
greatly appreciate it if you could resend it.  Many thanks.

P.S.  Even though the original note asks that keys be sent to me by
Monday night at midnight, due to this mixup (and a brain-damaged
majordomo configuration on the IETF list), I will be accepted late
keys.  I would appreciate keys submitted before noon tomorrow, if at all

                                                - Ted

----- Begin original message

Once again, we will be holding a PGP Key signing party at the IETF
meeting in Adelaide.  We have been scheduled to meet at 10:30pm on the
evening of Wednesday, March 29, 2000. The procedure we will use is the

o People who wish to participate should email an ASCII extract of their
  PGP public key to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> by midnight on *Monday* of the week
  of the IETF meeting. Please include a subject line of "IETF PGP

  Sending your key to me before the IETF meeting is appreciated, since
  it reduces the number of keys that I have to collect during the
  meeting. (In fact, why don't you send me your key right now if you
  know will be attending, so you won't forget?)

o By 6pm on Wednesday, you will be able to ftp a complete key ring
  from with all of the keys that were submitted; it will
  be available at these URL's:

        (For PGP 2.x and PGP 5.x, respectively; the PGP 5.x keyring will
        be a superset of the PGP 2.x keyring.)

o At 10:30pm, come prepared with the PGP Key fingerprint of your PGP
  public key; we will have handouts with all of the key fingerprints of
  the keys that people have mailed in.

o In turn, readers at the front of the room will recite people's keys;
  as your key fingerprint is read, stand up, and at the end of reading
  of your PGP key fingerprint, acknowledge that the fingerprint as read
  was correct.

o Later that evening, or perhaps when you get home, you can sign the
  keys corresponding to the fingerprints which you were able to verify
  on the handout; note that it is advisable that you only sign keys of
  people when you have personal knowledge that the person who stood up
  during the reading of his/her fingerprint really is the person which
  he/she claimed to be.

o Submit the keys you have signed to the PGP keyservers. A good one to
  use is the one at MIT: simply send mail containing the ascii armored
  version of your PGP public key to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

Note that you don't have to have a laptop with you; if you don't have
any locally trusted computing resources during the key signing party, 
you can make notes on the handout, and then take the handout home and
sign the keys later.

                                         - Ted

1024 0x7B7E0210 2000-03-15 Brian Stafford (Flexion) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
1024 0xB673DC11 2000-02-18 Brian Stafford (OfficeLogic International Ltd.) 
1024 0x562C2749 1998-03-09 Connect Registry System <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
1024 0xD25D8FCE 2000-02-28 Gianni Rossi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
1024 0x24C27802 1999-03-21 Gregory Neil Shapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
1024 0xA00E1563 1998-03-07 Gregory Neil Shapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
1024 0xB11F733D 1997-08-05 John C Klensin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
1024 0x81E92D91 1996-02-01 Mark Prior <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
1024 0x9A8F6A79 1998-07-05 MOMOSE Tsuyoshi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
1024 0x4B1E2784 1997-06-13 Pete Resnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
1024 0x7D2ED788 1999-08-31 Richard Guy Briggs (gpg-lap) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]\.ca>
1024 0x2115A82D 1997-09-22 Richard Guy Briggs [medsec] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]\ca>
1024 0x5A815C1F 1998-12-09 Robert M. Enger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
2048 0xFDCFA047 1999-06-28 Robert M. Enger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
1024 0x5A625B66 1999-07-04 Rosemarie Scheibler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]\>
1024 0xB0007189 1999-06-16 Scheibler Rosemarie (UC-PN/ECS4) 
<Rosemarie.Scheible\[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
1024 0x16F4CCE9 1999-06-23 Sendmail Security <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
1024 0x19A20341 1995-02-17 Tero Kivinen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
2048 0x7550C281 1996-04-23 Tero Kivinen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
1024 0x2DE518A2 2000-01-04 Tim Shepard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
1024 0x06EE4649 2000-03-13 Tim Shepard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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