I've come into this discussion rather late, however there is at least one
salient point which I believe that
Keith Moore has argued rather well...

In my understanding the role of the IETF is to promote the logical growth
and evolution of the Internet Protocols.
Whilst 'vendors' have massive technical resources at their disposal, one
thing that they are not, is impartial...this
is what I have always believed that the IETF's role is!

There is no denying the benefits that companies like Cisco have brought to
the Internet, but their kotive is, quite simply,
profit based....no more, no less.

On another note - to the guy who said 'this is way out of my pay grade' - I
would have to say...since when did pay reflect IQ?
Knowledge and insight are a valuable and rare commodity anyway...if we
start discriminating an the basis of income then
all of these discussion will become irrelevent within ten years, if not
less! (i'm not gonna name any names here! :-)  )

Kind regards

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