>and just because I'm arguing against the above kinds of statements doesn't
>mean that I think we can convince folks to just discard their NATs.  I do
>however think that folks may be willing to upgrade and/or replace their
>NATs once something better exists that allows them to run applications that
>they can't run with current NATs.  and I don't know of any way to
>improve things that doesn't require replacing/upgrading NATs in some sense.

Keith .I have been following this thread for some time and I am in total 
agreement with your position and the position of the IAB on this issue.

However we seem to be missing a rational strategy for dealing with the 
Layer 8 [economic] issue here which is the greed of the general ISP 
community in matters involving the issuance of  IP numbers, especially in 
the emerging home based SOHO broadband industry, cable or DSL.

Beyond the ongoing problem of installation nightmares, which are well 
documented in every print publication I see. We are hearing daily stories 
of  49.95 a month for DSL service with 1 IP address but if you want 5 its 
79.95 for "business class service". The ISP assumes that if you want more 
than 1 IP address you are running a server, forget that it could be a 
service like IPP, but some e-commerce site or whatever.

Our distinguished colleague Vint Cerf highlights these issues, once 
again,  in the latest issue of Upside May 2000 page 204 ( no its not online 
yet ).

Though I know this list is often populated with folks with a libertarian 
bent, may I remind some that there is one other form of global numbering 
that is allocated on a reasonable, fair and equitable basis to all comers. 
Telephone Numbers. This process is political but it works ( unless you live 
in Northern California ).

The problem is not NAT's. The problem is why people have to use 
NAT's...they can't get the numbers they need or want, in large measure, due 
to the greed of ISP's.

The problem, as I see it is really a Layer 9 issue [politicial] which is we 
have no national policy in the US, or any where else on the planet, for the 
issuance of IP addresses on request to those consumers or businesses who 
need them on a fair and equitable basis consistent with the requirements of 
the routing tables.

And yes I have a credit card ready, willing and able to purchase service 
for an ISP willing to give be a nice block of IP V6 numbers ( 50 will do ) 
at a reasonable price and the support necessary to implement them.

Dr. Cerf ..you have a customer.

Richard Shockey
Shockey Consulting LLC
8045 Big Bend Blvd. Suite 110
St. Louis, MO 63119
Voice 314.918.9020
eFAX Fax to EMail 815.333.1237 (Preferred for Fax)
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