In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Mi
chael B. Bellopede" writes:
>>  But we have to engineer this in some fashion that
>>permits efficient use of these addresses by hosts and (especially) routers.
>>(An earlier poster wrote that you "just have to write the code".  That's
>>wrong idea -- big iron routers don't use "code" to do forwarding, they use
>>silicon, and very fast silicon at that.  There are routers in production
>>today that are handling OC-192 -- 10 Gbps -- links.  You can't do that in
>>                --Steve Bellovin
>Software, firmware, its a matter of semantics.  Do you think that silicon
>magically performs routing and logical functions.  Hmmm...

Well, yes, magic might help the routing problem, if you have suitable pixie 

More seriously, my point is that the techniques, optimizations, and costs are 
very different for software versus hardware.  If you're accustomed to thinking 
in software terms, you're not likely to make the proper design tradeoffs.

                --Steve Bellovin

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