On the subject of infinite possibilities - given that there are an infinite
number of of possible mistakes and only one correct solution, it is
statistically impossible to do anything right.

IP4 was definitely a mistake. Whatever replaces it will invariably also be a
mistake.  Besides, if everything was done correctly this forum would be very

-Michael C

> ----------
> Van:  David A Higginbotham[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Verzonden:    maandag 24 april 2000 13:22
> Aan:  'Anthony Atkielski'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Onderwerp:    RE: IPv6: Past mistakes repeated?
> I agree! Why create a finite anything when an infinite possibility exists?
> On another note, I have heard the argument that a unique identifier
> already
> exists in the form of a MAC address why not make further use of it?
> David H
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Anthony Atkielski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, April 24, 2000 6:05 AM
> Subject: IPv6: Past mistakes repeated?
> What I find interesting throughout discussions that mention IPv6 as a
> solution for a shortage of addresses in IPv4 is that people
> see the problems with IPv4, but they don't realize that IPv6 will run into
> the same difficulties.  _Any_ addressing scheme that uses
> addresses of fixed length will run out of addresses after a finite period
> of
> time, and that period may be orders of magnitude
> shorter than anyone might at first believe.
> Consider IPv4.  Thirty-two bits allows more than four billion individual
> machines to be addressed.  In theory, then, we should have
> enough IPv4 addresses for everyone until four billion machines are
> actually
> online simultaneously.  Despite this, however, we seem
> to be running short of addresses already, even though only a fraction of
> them are actually used.  The reason for this is that the
> address space is of finite size, and that we attempt to allocate that
> finite
> space in advance of actual use.
> It should be clear that IPv6 will have the same problem.  The space will
> be
> allocated in advance.  Over time, it will become obvious
> that the original allocation scheme is ill-adapted to changing
> requirements
> (because we simply cannot foresee those requirements).
> Much, _much_ sooner than anyone expects, IPv6 will start to run short of
> addresses, for the same reason that IPv4 is running short.
> It seems impossible now, but I suppose that running out of space in IPv4
> seemed impossible at one time, too.
> The allocation pattern is easy to foresee.  Initially, enormous subsets of
> the address space will be allocated carelessly and
> generously, because "there are so many addresses that we'll never run out"
> and because nobody will want to expend the effort to
> achieve finer granularity in the face of such apparent plenty.  This
> mistake
> will be repeated for each subset of the address space
> allocated, by each organization charged with allocating the space.  As a
> result, in a surprisingly short time, the address space
> will be exhausted.  This _always_ happens with fixed address spaces.  It
> seems to be human nature, but information theory has a hand
> in it, too.
> If you need further evidence, look at virtual memory address spaces.  Even
> if a computer's architecture allows for a trillion bits
> of addressing space, it invariably becomes fragmented and exhausted in an
> amazingly short time.  The "nearly infinite space" allowed
> by huge virtual addresses turns out to be very finite and very limiting
> indeed.
> The only real solution to this is an open-ended addressing scheme--one to
> which digits can be added as required.  And it just so
> happens that a near-perfect example of such a scheme is right in front of
> us
> all, in the form of the telephone system.  Telephone
> numbers have never had a fixed number of digits.  The number has always
> been
> variable, and has simply expanded as needs have changed
> and increased.  At one time, a four-digit number was enough to reach
> anyone.
> Then seven-digit numbers became necessary.  Then an
> area code became necessary.  And finally, a country code became necessary.
> Perhaps a planet code will be necessary at some point in
> the future.  But the key feature of the telephone system is that nobody
> ever
> decided upon a fixed number of digits in the beginning,
> and so there is no insurmountable obstacle to adding digits forever, if
> necessary.  Imagine what things would be like if someone had
> decided in 1900 that seven digits would be enough for the whole world, and
> then equipment around the world were designed only to
> handle seven digits, with no room for expansion.  What would happen when
> it
> came time to install the 10,000,000th telephone, or when
> careless allocation exhausted the seven-digit space?
> Anyway, some keys to a successful addressing scheme, in my opinion, are as
> follows (but the first is the only mandatory feature, I
> think):
> 1. The number of digits used for addressing is not limited by the
> addressing
> protocol.
> 2. Every machine in the network need only know in detail about other
> points
> in the network that have the same high-order digits in
> their addresses.
> 3. There is a distinction for every machine between "local" addresses
> (those
> that implicitly have the same high-order digits as the
> address of the machine in question) and "remote" addresses (those that
> have
> different high-order digits).
> With such an address scheme, a single international body can allocate one
> digit to each region of the world (the size of the regions
> is irrelevant).  Beneath that, other, more local bodies, one per initial
> digit, can allocate more digits below that.  There is no
> need for anyone to allocate the entire address space in advance, so there
> is
> no need to worry about problems with the initial
> allocation that will have to be fixed later.  And since the actual number
> of
> digits in a machine address is unlimited, different
> parts of the world, different companies, different organizations, etc.,
> can
> expand addresses as needed.  At any given time, the
> maximum number of digits would be fixed at some very high number (128
> decimal digits, perhaps), but if this ever became too
> limiting, it would be sufficient to simply up that number--no reallocation
> or modification of the address space would be necessary.
> Imagine computers in the United States under such a scheme.  All IPtNG
> addresses (IPtNG=IP: the Next Generation--I have to call it
> something, right?) for the U.S. would start with one.  Since there are
> lots
> of computers in the U.S., you'd see addresses like:
> 14872883747534 for a machine in San Jose
> 1487048377212  for a machine in Sacramento
> 1412278987831  for a machine in Los Angeles
> 1248819473     for a machine in Wyoming
> 134875810869   for a machine in Boston
> ... and so on.  Notice that the lengths vary based on the number of
> machines
> in a given region--if you need more address space, you
> just add more digits.  Wyoming has relatively few machines, so addresses
> there are short.  San Jose has a zillion machines, so
> addresses there are long.
> Now picture the small country of Vulgaria, and its address space:
> 486174         for a machine in Vulgaria Minor (where most of the
> population
> lives)
> 48631          for a machine in Vulgaria Major
> Vulgaria is a tiny country with only a few hundred machines.  The 4
> designates the region of the world in which Vulgaria is found.
> The 86 is allocated to all of Vulgaria.  The remaining digits are
> allocated
> within Vulgaria itself.
> If you haven't already noticed, this pattern is essentially the one
> already
> in use for telephones.  It works extremely well.
> Some might say that this ties the IP address to a geographical region.
> Well, yes, it does.  So what?  If you want to use IP for
> security (as in identifying individuals), you're making a mistake to begin
> with.  The address of a machine just locates it for
> routing purposes; it does not authenticate its identity.  If you want
> identity information for machines, you give them a separate
> "identity address" that follows them anywhere in the world, even if their
> IPtNG address changes.  And if you want identity
> information for people (which is often the real goal), you give _them_ an
> "identity address" that follows them anywhere in the
> world.
> Here again, with respect to security, the telephone network sets the
> pattern: if you move, your telephone number changes, but your
> identity does not.  Nobody calls a telephone number and simply assumes the
> identity of the person who answers; normally an
> authentication process is carried out ("Can I speak to Jane?"), because
> everyone knows that a telephone number just gets you to a
> specific telephone, but not to a specific person.  Nobody lets you charge
> purchases to a specific credit card just because you are
> calling from a specific telephone--you still have to identify yourself.
> Anyway, I suppose it's too late to change anything in IPv6, but I'm
> convinced that IPv6 will just show the same problems as IPv4,
> and it will be more like 20-40 years down the road, and not the billions
> of
> years that some people seem to assume.  I think that
> history shows that the leading mistake of all engineers is to
> underestimate
> future capacity needs, and I see that happening with
> IPv6, just as it did with IPv4 (and with Y2K, and with the IBM PC address
> space, and so on, and so on).  I just thought I'd add my
> $0.02.  Maybe I've overlooked something in IPv6, but I fear that I have
> not.
> I'd be interested in hearing what others think of this potential problem.
> (Or at least correct me if I've overlooked something in
> IPv6 that will prevent the problems listed above from occurring.)
>   -- Anthony

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