At 07:31 PM 5/13/00 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Actually, there *ARE* important issues here.
> > Would the IESG support the creation of a WG to discuss these, with the
> > charter of producing a BCP documenting what *should* be done to minimize
> > these risks in today's internet?
>Talking about a WG seems premature. The first step would be to start a
>discussion list and maybe schedule a BOF. If those steps prove fruitful
>a WG would be a possibility.
>I can set up a mailing list if you like.

Loath as I am to subscribe to yet another mailing list, one dealing with 
ways to control the spread of malicious content is one that I think would 
be very worthwhile.


(Who uses an 8-year old version of Microsoft Word, in part as a precaution 
against macro viruses ;-)

Graham Klyne

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