Hello Jacob,

At 19:51 12/05/00 +0200, Jacob Palme wrote:
>At 13.59 -0400 0-05-11, Scot Mc Pherson wrote:
>>      I am not so sure I totally agree. Why exactly do we need HTML based
>> e-mail...Is it really necessary? E-mail is a service for transmitting a
>> written message, and written messages certainly don't require background
>> graphics or a full blown graphically based webpage.
>Why should not graphics be of value in e-mail, when it is of
>value in most other media like web pages, books, newspapers,
>magazines, etc? Why should the e-mail medium not benefit
>from graphics to enhance understandability and readability?

Much more, I like the posiblity to add inteligence on e-mail address and
HTML not only in the body, I like it i.e. in the "acuse de recibo" (sorry I
dont know the name of this in English itīs when you sing that you get a
message), for instance in this mesage I can  put bottons when people in
this list can click, one saying you are idiot, another go ahead i like it,
other I donīt understand you,... so I can get feedback for the people in
this list that donīt reply but maybe like to click in a buttom.

Of course not only text buttoms, you know painters when something is bad
say that its purple, something neutro they call it green, something cool is
yellow, so may be a painters list group want a "acuse de recibo" of one
colour and when you put a message you get a mix of the colours in a picture
as feedback, or musicians do something similar with music, or yoguis that
can control they heart pulsations transmit their pulsations for
coordination of their hearts in a yoga experience,... who knows the best
way to get the feedback goal of simbiosis whith others?, we cannīt put
limits to cultural manifestations but those which come from security and
privacy issues as well as give efective filtering posibilities for users.

Best Regards,

>Jacob Palme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Stockholm University and KTH)
>for more info see URL: http://www.dsv.su.se/jpalme/

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