At 15:40 26-05-00 , [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>It will run over incredibly fast Packet over SONET Wide Area
>Networks--behind firewalls.  OC-192 and soon-to-come OC-768 (terrabit)
>switches will be the backbone of WANs and MANs of large networks in a few

         I'll note that at least one vendor has already demonstrated
10 Gig Ethernet switch interfaces at Interop/LV earlier this month.
Such 10 GE boxes are generally much less expensive than OC-192 POS boxes.
Another post indicated that these systems will use frame sizes of 1024 bytes,
which is well within the abilities of any Ethernet interface.

>Also, IPv6 has significantly improved authentication capabilities
>that will help ensure security on the Storage WAN (SWAN?)

         IPv6 has NO authentication capability not already shipping for IPv4,
speaking as the person who designed both AH and ESP.  Marketing aside,
there is nothing in IPv6 that makes it more easily secured than IPv4.
Both support AH and ESP.  Deployed ISAKMP/IKE support IPv4, but might
not support IPv6.

         Note that I have no axe to grind for or against IPv6, but the
disinformation campaign that "IPv6 is secure and IPv4 isn't" is
highly annoying and completely wrong.


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