Kurt Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Personally, I have nothing against the legitimacy of spam.  I don't
> like it, but I do believe that it should be legal.  If they want
> to outlaw telemarketing and junk mail, then they can outlaw spam. 
> Besides, because of the nature of the Internet, if you outlaw spam,
> then the same person could send it from a locale where spamming
> IS legal.  It's impossible to eradicate spam through legislation.

 It is also impossible to differentiate between so-called
 spam and expressions of a personal political, social or
 artistic nature. All of which should be protected in any
 legitimate democracy. All to often our technical over-seers
 are all to willing to sacrifice precious liberties and
 freedoms in the interests of presumed network integrity.

 What, pray tell, is the use of any infrastructure if it
 cannot tolerate the full gamut of human communications?
 Including the crass, craven and (SHUDDERS) the artistic?
 Such a network is of no value at all. The harder and higher
 the standards you IETF people militate towards the more
 likely your precious work will be circumvented and bypassed
 as inadequate. There were other computer networks that 
 rose and fell besides the Internet. I was there and I can
 name a few of them and I suspect I will live to see the
 rise of still others. Cautionary thoughts me thinks(?).

 Alive and well and living somewhere in Toronto. Sort of.

 Bob Allisat


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