> -----Original Message-----
> The networks that you have mentioned above were in place before IP's
> power became clear.  That is a legitimate excuse for their non IP
> nature. I would say the knee of the curve was in 1992.
> ReFLEX on the other hand can not use that excuse because it came
> 1992. ReFLEX's Narrowband PCS licenses came out in 1995.
> The remaining excuse for ReFLEX not being IP based is efficiency.

Hi Mohsen,

Let me clarify this issue once again.

1. If FPF opposes WAP because it involves a patent, and a protocol
should be patent free, I guess most people on this list will agree
with you (though I doubt many people have much to do with WAP on this
list, and care about it).

2. If FPF says that all future wireless end devices should have IP so
that there is no need to have a solution like WAP gateways, I think
most people will agree with you on this too.  That is happening any

3. If FPF says that vendors should go back and modify all current
cell-phones and pagers and cellular infrastructure components, discard
WAP protocols, and use UDP/TCP/IP based solutions; it is not going to
happen no matter how many people support this position on this list.
WAP is a short term solution for this generation's networks/devices,
and will automatically die when next generation network/devices

You must position Free Software foundation's work to make WAP, or any
other future protocols free from any patent. You will find lot of
support on that issue. I think we all agree on this.


(personal opinion only)

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