Dan Kohn wrote:
> I will bite regarding one issue near and dear to IETF hearts -- which is the
> seeming need to buy yet another 802.11 card for each IETF meeting.  And yes,
> I am actually suggesting an approach that would require one more purchase:
> I was at Bluetooth Congress in Europe this month (which sounds better than
> saying the Bluetooth Congress in Monte Carlo), and Bluetooth products are
> definitely gathering momentum.  
> This would then leave the 2.4 GHz band for Bluetooth, and allow both
> Bluetooth and 802.11 to be simultaneously active from the same laptop.  I
> think most LANs will be wireless in a couple years simply for the
> convenience of avoiding cabling (even for desktop computers), and that
> people will want to sync up with their Palm Pilots and their cellphones

Palm syncs with laptops fine over IR now.


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