Dennis Glatting wrote:

> Perhaps at the Pittsburgh plenary we should discuss whether we want to
> move the London meeting elsewhere, least all of our lap tops be
> "scanned" and cryto keys surrendered.

Or maybe we should discuss it here, so as not to exclude people who can't
make it to Pittsburgh (particularly Europeans, who would be more likely
to go to London than to Pittsburgh).

Much as I like London, I would be in favor of moving the meeting if the
RIP bill passes.  Email is bad enough; but suppose some British police
authority notices encrypted SSH and IPSec traffic coming from the IETF
network, and demands the keys? They'd be able to use those keys to
connect to our (nominally) secure networks.

It might also be useful for the British organizations lobbying against
RIP if they could point to an IETF boycott as evidence that RIP was
harming British companies.  (Or it might not, of course; Parliament might
decide they didn't like being threatened.)

|John Stracke    | |My opinions are my own.|
|Chief Scientist |=============================================|
|eCal Corp.      |Never do card tricks for your poker buddies. |
|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|                                             |

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