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Dear IETF,

Now that the IETf is behind us I am hoping to tap the minds of the
collective.  I am working on a book scheduled to be published next
March to coincide with the 50th IETF to celebrate this "golden"
milestone.  The book is a history of Internet protocols and their
development, with a particular emphasis on the role of the IETF and
the Network Working Groups before it.  

The book will have numerous sections devoted to individual protocols
from their birth to their status today.  The goal is to have each
section be written by 1 or 2 of the people intimately involved with
the process.  So my job will basically be in editing.

One section of the book (as planned) will be devoted to short
interesting stories as told by the people involved.  This is where
you (will hopefully) come in.  I am seeking short vignettes for
possible inclusion.  The goal of the book is to both tell the history
of protocol development and hopefully convey some of the creative
processes that happen.  So if you have a memory of a certain WG
session or hallway conversation that you feel is profound, funny,
critical, timely, <insert adjective>, etc. that might merit inclusion
in such a book I would love to hear it.  

I am also looking for the "hot topics" of the day for as many IETF's
as possible.  It seems that most IETF meetings have one central theme
that infects them.  Some examples include the IPng recommendation at
the Toronto IETF, the SNMPv2 blowup at the Dallas IETF, the push to
require 56-bit DES as a minimum IPsec implementation at the Danvers
meeting, etc.  Any memories about specific IETF meetings and those
topics would also be greatly appreciated.

- --->  Phil

P.S.  I am afraid their would be no compensation available for these
type of contributions, but your work would be fully accredited if
published.  I would therefore ask that you include a statement to the
effect of:

"I recognize that the essay I have enclosed in this email is being
considered for publication and I acknowledge that I will receive no
compensation if it is published"

P.P.S.  I am not a lawyer and the words above are my own.  I still
may have to get you to sign a form before the material can be
included but maybe this will appease the legal people.

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