> From: Masataka Ohta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> If you want phone with real Internet style, see our INET paper:
>       http://www.isoc.org/inet2000/cdproceedings/4a/4a_3.htm

Excellent!  That is far better than any IP telephony proposal I've 
ever seen.

> Run this kind of protocol over Ricochet terminal and WAP and iMODE
> will disapper.

Well, Ricochet doesn't have a tenth the coverage that digital 
cellular does, at least around here:

But if Ricochet integrated Simple Internet Phone in their tranceivers, 
the demand would probably allow them to expand their coverage fast 
and far, which would be great.
> You can purchase a prototype terminal adapter.

Please tell me how.  I want a few.  


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