> From: "Brijesh Kumar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Oh, I can't resist:

    > You haven't given a single technical argument that will convince
    > system experts in these big corporations that they have dug
    > themselves a "very nice hole". The meaningless rhetoric "WAP is bad"
    > doesn't convince any one.

Past history would say that given the investment in WAP (both in dollars,
and in professional terms), I'd be astonished if the most convincing and
correct reasoning had any impact.

If I had time, I'd give you a long list of protocols (many from the IETF)
where the designers were utterly resistant to attempts to explain to them
why their protocol was fundamentally flawed. For a lot of people, nothing
other than brutal failure in the market seems to convince them.

    > What makes you think that the system experts from Motorola, Nortel,
    > Lucent, Erricson, Nokia who developed WAP over several months needed
    > to learn protocol design lessons. ... about architecture and
    > addressing lessons. 

What makes you think they don't?


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