Michael Richardson observed:

>  a) my service provider isn't IPv6 ready. I am doubtful that any of them
>        will be for a long time as far as I can tell. 

Yes, a very long time, until at least the ambivalence in
the IPv6 community towards established providers is
resolved, and some large providers' and _many_ small
providers' concerns are dealt with.

Consider the rather nasty attitude in response to my
technical deployment and utilization-scenario related
questions raised here in the past 6 hours:

        -- likened to SPAM [Narten]
        -- accused of trolling [Narten]
        -- told to go away [Narten]
        -- accused of not knowing the history of CIDR [Senie]

I could go on with other recent examples too, but you get the idea.

On the other hand, Itojun, like many others in the IPv6
community, answered politely with useful information, and
seem to be thinking about ways in which IPv6 could
actually be used in practice, even with non-uniform
support for native IPv6 by ISPs.

I assert that one of the critical stumbling blocks to
acceptance of IPv6 by *ANY* large provider is the open
hostility of many of the "leaders" of the IPNG effort
towards those of us in the trenches.

Indeed, the whole ROAD process, and everything since has
to me turned its back on people actually OPERATING the
Internet as experienced resources who could help improve IPv6.

Perhaps if the IPNG leadership or at least their attitudes
were changed, some useful engagement may happen.

Otherwise, Metzger's deployment scenario below is probably
the only realistic one, because no business in its right
mind would want to support a collection of people whose
leaders openly accuse them of everything short of baby-killing.

- - --
Sean Doran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  (Working at a large ISP, incidentally)

- - --
Perry Metzger in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 03 Dec 1999 19:42:10 -0500:

> We'll tunnel around you. You're irrelevant to deployment, anyway. 
> [..] I gave up believing that providers would be paying close attention to
> the needs of customers about eight years ago [..] I'm certainly not going to hold
> my breath waiting for you guys to help deploying v6 now.
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