> So we add "and/or IESG" to the list ...

Um, they don't have a monopoly on omnicience, to approxi-quote Fred, and
cannot be an exhaustive remedy for WG and I-ID expiry. If they were, then
I wouldn't be writing draft-brunner-iesg-http-cookies-wrong-00.txt.

Incidently, this arises out of the expired draft + defunct WG case which
I originally posed.  An informational RFC with the catchy title "RFC xxxx
(BCP) Considered Harmful" ought to happen once in a while, as RFC means
"request for comments". I'd prefer not to be its author, but some things
are more awkward to go around.

Anyway, I only mention this to point out that WG-Centric doesn't make a
compelling answer, and adding jrandom body of experts isn't as compelling
as just getting it right, even if individually.


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