On Mon, 16 Oct 2000 09:55:18 +0530, Pragyansmita Paul said:
> Most of the search sites nowdays show how relevant the page is with respect to
> the search query, they give a percentage, I think that the end user should
> know what was the criteria used in coming up with that value. 
> And if all the search sites use some standard way of coming up with that
> value, it will be all the better.

Even if somebody comes up with a proprietary better scheme?

If all the pages use the same scheme for computing the values, what will
differentiate one from another?  WHy should somebody use Google, or Yahoo,
or AltaVista, if they all do Exactly The Same Thing?

Also, remember that the *reason* there's a several-decade-long flame war
about The Best Supercomputer Design is because different algorithms perform
best on old-Cray vector architectures, some do best on SGI's NUMA, some
do best on the IBM SP/2 architecture, and so on.

                                Valdis Kletnieks
                                Operating Systems Analyst
                                Virginia Tech

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