> actually your urls could be:
>   http://www.bq--aduwvya.fr/
>   http://www.deja.fr/
> a application may render the bq--aduwvya.fr as déjà.fr or it may not.
> Finally it would be up to the URDP process or the courts as to *if* the
> two domains are the same. We shouldn't worry what the URDP or the courts
> may or may not do.

Yes, the issue of "equivalence" extends well beyond what we can do in the
technical realm -- for instance "red ball" and "bal rouge" can be
considered equivalent for certain purposes (such as certain parts of
trademark law.)

I'd hate to be the one who has to write the library function
int strcmp_that_statisfies_everybody();

My own preference is to create a flexible mechanism (perhaps with some
degree of character set canonicalization) and let the courts, lawyers,
legislatures, etc try to figure out how to overlay restrictive


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