At 13:30 13/12/2000 -0800, Lane Patterson wrote:
>This has likely been proposed previously, but I would like to
>raise the topic of mapping adequate conf rooms to WGs and BOFs.
>I have now attended 3 WGs that had to turn away attendees due
>to extreme lack of space, and several others that had plenty of
>extra unutilized space.
>Would the IETF organizers consider requesting WG/BOF attendance
>plans upon registration?  Are there other suggestions for
>improvement in this process?

The biggest improvement would be if people could sign up for the meetings 2 
years in advance, so that we could book big enough meeting facilities.

The assignment to rooms is based on the WG/BOF chairs' estimates of 
attendance. Getting better estimates would help - but this would have to be 
done entirely automagically if it were to help the (small) secretariat 
staff, and be filled in correctly.

Anyone volunteering to write/host the data entry pieces of this, so that we 
can test it at a forthcoming IETF?

Harald Tveit Alvestrand, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+47 41 44 29 94
Personal email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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