The point of individuality is a good one. But this should
be the choice of the person. They can write whatever they
choose for the company. For many of us it is informative.

At 02:02 PM 12/18/2000 +1030, Andrew Rutherford wrote:
>At 09:49 -0500 15/12/00, John C Klensin wrote:
>>I don't think company names on badges are harmful, and they do
>>help us identify each other (otherwise, we could carry the
>>principle to the limits and leave the names off too, replacing
>>them with randomly-assigned numbers).
>So what about replacing company names on badges with email addresses?
>That might allow one to infer company affiliation if the wearer lists an 
>address with a company component. Given most of us know each other via 
>email address, and may wish to follow up a "hallway conversation" with 
>email, it's possibly more functional.

Michael W. Condry
Director, Internet Strategy
2111 N.E. 25th Ave.
Hillsboro, OR 97124-5961

Phone: (503) 264-9019
FAX: (503) 264-3483

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