>I can imagine, without much trouble, a scenario
>in which, e.g., someone showed up and claimed to "represent" a
>company with considerable IETF experience (and other employees
>as long-term participants), started pushing a technically
>unviable idea and justifying it on the basis of his or her
>company's market position.  

Unfortunately, this is exactly the sort of thing the IETF is 
periodically accused of doing.  Just look through the archives 
and you'll see that every so often someone (usually but not 
always from 'outside') will pop up in public
and claim that the IETF is run solely by and for the benefit 
of large corporations.  It isn't a particularly difficult 
argument to counter, but the damage to the organization's 
image is still there.



Robert G. Ferrell, CISSP
Information Systems Security Officer
National Business Center
U. S. Dept. of the Interior
 Who goeth without humor goeth unarmed.

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