On Sat, Feb 03, 2001 at 10:50:08AM -0800, Grenville Armitage wrote:
> Einar Stefferud wrote:
>       [..]
> > had my own home system and discovered that I had no interest in being
> > totally visible and accessible at all times, especially when I was
> > not always around to monitor things.
> >
> > So, now I am very happy behind my little XRouter NAT box, with an ISP
> > service out there where I can have a login shell  if I wish.
> NAT doesn't primarily provide security, a firewall does. A firewall
> doesn't have to do NAT. If you dont mind the number of IP addresses
> you get from your ISP, install a smart firewall and ditch the NAT
> box (or twiddle some config options in your Xrouter... whatever)

Although address obfuscation through combining NAT with your firewall
can provide a small amount of additional security.


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