I would suggest stone tablets. This encourages conciseness and simpler
protocols. Plus, it has more effect when you hit an implementor that
doesn't adhere to the spec with the tablet.

Jon Crowcroft wrote:
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Taylor Salman typed:
>  >>ASCII text shouldn't be accepted because:<br>
>  >>Pen and paper is by far the most portable format on the planet and
>  >>beyond.
> i disagree -
> i) the americans spent a lot of money on spaceworthy pens,
> but the russians showed that PENCILS are fine
> ii) paper burns at farenheit 451 (ref: burroughs, '63, truffaut '68],
> this many IETF meetings generate enough heat to ignite any draft being
> discussed if presented in this format
> so we need to use pencil and (unprocessed) wood
> j.
> -
> This message was passed through [EMAIL PROTECTED], which
> is a sublist of [EMAIL PROTECTED] Not all messages are passed.
> Decisions on what to pass are made solely by Harald Alvestrand.

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