| Well, what about scalability, and the interoperability with the underlying unicast
| protocols. and what about the interdomain multicast???

IDR for multicast is pretty straightforward:

        1. discovering sources: SA handling done by MSDP works OK, there
           are maybe better ways of doing it

           simple policies are sufficient: i don't want to know about
           sources going active from your network for some reason, so
           i'll filter them out.  i don't want you to know about my
           source going active (perhaps because the source isn't paying me)
           so i won't announce it to you

        2. handling joins/prunes: PIM in sparse mode works OK, there are
           maybe better ways of doing it

           possibly complicated policies, particularly on joins: 
                i don't want to hear your join to groups whose
                sources are across the ocean, unless some customer of mine
                has already joined and is causing the traffic to flow anyway

                i will happily dump traffic "for free" onto an IX if a
                paying customer on a router "right beside" the IX (or at the IX)
                joins a group

                i will pick up traffic dumped "for free" onto an IX and
                forestall a join towards the distant source while the
                traffic is there

                i do want your customer's joins, but not your peers' joins;
                those i will drop on the floor

        3. handling RPF: mBGP

                okay, this is the "worst part", since the policy opportunities
                here are endless.  however, what should be done here is mainly
                forwarding loop avoidance; policy one would want to express
                here (do not propagate out interface X) should be expressed 
                in some other way -- probably join control, however that 
                ignores some brutal realities about rebuilding trees when
                lines/routers fail.

| Is that the draft :Simple Resource ReSerVation Protocol (SRSVP) (in English)
| or there is another one??
| I didnt found it in the internet-drafts at the IETF !!!

Good, RSVP for multicast is an insane idea.  There is a finite but nearly
zero chance that an ISP will ever squeeze more money out of someone by 
promising them via RSVP that their multicast packets will make it through 
from source to destination, whether the someone is a source or a listener.
However, if you demonstrate compliance with an SLA that works like many
unicast ones (x% packet loss, y ms delay, from network edge to network edge),
you may be able to charge more for "best efforts" multicast, and pick
up customers who are frustrated with RSVP stuff.

"Simple" RSVP: say yes always, or say no always.  Choose one.


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