Vernon Schryver wrote:

> For "nroff guides" on your own systems, 
> try `man -k roff` and `man -k mdoc`.

Script started on Fri Mar 16 17:37:39 2001
% hostname
% /sbin/kernelversion
% man -k roff
roff: nothing appropriate
% man -f mdoc
mdoc: nothing appropriate
% exit
Script done on Fri Mar 16 17:38:18 2001

> finds
> 23,900 pages.

This is exactly the problem: I could not find any
Leslie-Lamport-quality-HOWTO-document for nroff.

>> Who is still using this dino technology anyway?
> Most RFC authors use that "dino technology," 

First of all, I define "dino technology" as
something where the average age of its producers 
(not just users) constantly increases. 

Jon Crowcroft wrote:
> (rhetorical question, dont answer that:-)

Well, an eye for an eye, a rhetorical question 
for a rhetorical one :-).
I am just wondering what you are going to do with
your private video tapes. Keep them as is, or
transfer them to VCDs, or transfer them to DVDs?
Same question for QIC-150s, Reel tapes, etc.


Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim - VLSM-TJT -
- Blowfish, n (coup d'poisson) --- a secure blow job -----

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