>The electronic outdoor temperature sign in the skyway reading
>"39". The units aren't mentioned. Kelvins?

Wow!!! It must be Spring in Minneapolis.  I hadn't realized it would 
be so warm.  Nice that it worked out that way.

>The stockbroker's electronic sign showing the Dow trying to break
>I understand the reasoning for holding the IETF here -- to discourage
>all but the most highly motivated from attending. But it doesn't seem
>to be working. So why, oh why, can't we just permanently move this
>thing to (say) Las Vegas, where there are hotels actually large enough
>to accomodate us, and where the winter climate is actually survivable?

Even with Spring in MN, this is probably still a good idea.  Or New 
Orleans, at least it is warm and centrally located.

Take care,

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