
Please help me understand your reasoning:

> We participate in the IETF as individuals, not as corporate represenatives.
> As such, asking about [company] product plans on the WG mailing is 
> completely and totally inappropriate.

Are you really trying to discourage asking questions of self-selected 
designated experts?

Suppose XYZ corporation makes popular software for IP checksums, but 
their algorithms only work for packet lengths less than 20.  If Robin Doe 
works for XYZ corporation and has voluntarily become an official of 
the checksum working group, and that working group has published 
documents clearly indicating that checksum algorithms must be able to 
accomodate packets of at least size 40, why is it not appropriate to 
ask Robin whether XYZ corporation intends to support the requirement?

Your implication that there should be a prior restraint on allowable 
questions is not only at odds with interpretations of the scientific 
method which insist on transparency, but is also contrary to Article 
27(1) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

If your reasoning is based on the possible existence of non-disclosure 
agreements, please say so.  I think we need to have a clear discussion 
about which kinds of NDAs are compatible with IESG duty.


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