On 30 Sep 2001, Franck Martin wrote:
> If there was some kind of standard, it would help fighting worms by
> informing IP owners that some machines have been infected. It would also
> help all Intrusion detection System to inform system administrator of
> potential attacks with a detailed report...

There are some more advanced whois clients which have more knowledge on
where to query and how, e.g. http://freshmeat.net/projects/whois/.

That doesn't say, of course, that there wouldn't be any benefits from

On the IDS front, I would not like to make the reporting too easy.  I'm
completely fed up with "Top Notch IDS Products" returning "alarms" on e.g.
the following:

 - users running traceroute, on incomoing icmp time exceeded messages
triggering an icmp flood "detection"
 - using a public ftp server, thus generating an ident query
 - using an smtp server, -""-
 - etc.

Most of times, these reports are sent by people who have no idea what is
going on at all.  Spamming operators with these kind of alarms shouldn't
be encouraged.

(b.t.w: is there a web page somewhere which lists and gives
reasons/pointers to usual "false alarms" like listed above?  It might be
useful as a pointer).

Pekka Savola                 "Tell me of difficulties surmounted,
Netcore Oy                   not those you stumble over and fall"
Systems. Networks. Security.  -- Robert Jordan: A Crown of Swords

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