Gordon Mohr wrote:

> Thanks, Graham, for the pointer to yet a third possible alphabet.
> I think there may even be a fourth mentioned somewhere.
> Alexey Melnikov writes:
> > Gordon Mohr wrote:
> > > Any chance that the Josefsson I-D will become an RFC of
> > > any sort?
> >
> > There is a good chance that it will become RFC as a document of SASL Working
> > Group.
> (FYI, I can't find the SASL group at the IETF working-groups lists.)

Sorry, I meant "soon to become a WG" (waiting for AD approval).

> I would be really, REALLY interested in helping to make the
> Josefsson I-D the officially-sanctioned definition of "Base32",
> so that there will be no ambiguity in any future standards work/
> applications.
> What's the best IETF venue for (and shortest path to) such a
> goal?

Alexey Melnikov
R & D, ACI Worldwide (formerly MessagingDirect Ltd.)
phone 780.424.4922 x357

I speak for myself only, not for my employer.

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