Fred Baker wrote:
> At 12:13 PM 10/10/2001, William Allen Simpson wrote:
> >Unlike CALEA, there are no provisions for reimbursing ISPs for these
> >expenses -- tens of thousands of dollars could bankrupt many ISPs.
> >This is an attack on both civil liberties and small business.
> I agree that our legislators are not technologists. That said, what you
> report here isn't what I heard:
> >The text is at  The current version at Thomas does 
> >not include the amendments.
Well, Fred, as you noted, the amendments that were adopted in House 
Judiciary have not been reported out, because the Administration doesn't 
like them.  That's why you won't find them on Thomas....

There were many other amendments offered, and the Chair refused to 
allow a vote, saying there could be changes between committee and the 
floor without any committee review.

Meanwhile, it apparently doesn't matter what the House Judiciary did, 
the Administration prefers the Senate version, and the Speaker is 
holding the House version up until after the Senate acts.  The 
Administration doesn't want this to go to conference committee.

That's why the folks I "especially" pointed to are all Senators.

That's why I noted "without going through the normal committee review."

Glad to see you are following this, at least to a minimal extent....
William Allen Simpson
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