If you look Internet of now as the main bone of the   
   Internet of next generation , all the nodes of
Internet as the gateway to other part of Internet. the
Internet can have a address space of 2^32mutiply2^32,
that is 2^64! 
    But the IP address must not to be the same one, as
the gateway can not recogenize where is the IP address
mean.  If the neighbor net has not the same IP address
, just like the 10.*.*.* we use in intranet today .
the two net can be easily recognixed. In this methord
we can denote a node of now a day's Intranet as proxy
ip address & node's IP address in the Intranet. eg
. IP address1 &IP address2. 
  In the same way , we can expend the address space to
any size.

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