At 12:53 PM 11/29/2001 -0500, Keith Moore wrote:
>the only benefit that IPv4 has over IPv6 (relative to routing table
>size) is that IPv4 discourages growth of the Internet.

"Only"?  Please.

An obvious benefits of v4 over v6 is that it is deployed.  Another benefit
is the operational experience gained over the years running v4
infrastructures.  NAT, despite being the spawn of the devil, at the very
least leverages both of these advantages.

More realistically, some might consider IPv4 address allocation policies as
discouraging the growth of the Internet (I am not among them), but I remain
unconvinced IPv6 address allocation policies will be significantly
different in the aspects that cause people to be discouraged.  Most, if not
all, of the same people who are refused IPv4 address allocations will (or
should if we expect not to re-create the swamp) be refused allocations of
IPv6 addresses.


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