
Writing your name on the blue sheet is voluntary.

Scanning your bar code at the door would be equally
voluntary, and moreover could be done at any time
during the meeting, coming or going.  Plus, duplicates
from different days would be more easily eliminated.

I'd vote for the bar code method.

Charlie P.

John Stracke wrote:
> >The Mormon Tabernacle Choir in Salt Lake City had a pretty good system
> >for checking tickets: wireless bar code scanners. Can't be more
> >expensive than having somebody type in thousands of names, from barely
> >legible writing.
> I did think of something like that; but then you'd have a queue at the
> door as people scan their badges.  Besides, there's a difference in scale:
> we do this three times a year, instead of every day (week?).
> On the plus side, though, the scanner would record the time, and thereby
> know what meeting you were there for, so you'd eliminate the failure mode
> where the chair forgets to put the new box in place, and meeting A gets
> the credit for everybody who went to meeting B.
> It wouldn't have to be wireless, either; the scanner could be hooked to an
> old PC which would store the data on disk.
> /=======================================================\
> |John Stracke                   |Principal Engineer     |
> |[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |Incentive Systems, Inc.|
> |http://www.incentivesystems.com|My opinions are my own.|
> |=======================================================|
> |Cogito ergo Spud. (I think, therefore I yam.)          |
> \=======================================================/

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