Enginneering and computer science disipline are a joke. It seems ppl in
these feilds all about ego and no documentation or worse terse confusing 
documentation. (eg rfcs)  cut the crap and do something usefull. 

And yes, I am not helping here.. 

At 08:36 PM 1/6/02 -0600, Timothy J. Salo wrote:
>> From: Paul Hoffman / IMC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Subject: Re: one copy sent to list but THREE returned
>> At 5:11 PM -0500 1/6/02, Gordon Cook wrote:
>> >I sent but a single copy of 'empowering' to the list.  It returned 
>> >THREE to me.  If everyone else got 3, my apologies.  If anyone can 
>> >inform me as to what happened i'd appreciate it.
>> Er, a better question is why you spammed the IETF list at all.
>Oh, please.  Compared to what?  Megabytes of viruses?  Long discussions
>about whether viruses should be filtered from the IETF mail list?
>Long discussions about whether IETF mail lists should accept e-mail
>only from subscribers?  Repeated tirades against address translation?
>While Gordon is regularly fairly confused, he sometimes does provide
>a few interesting tidbits in his infrequent postings.  The information
>content of his postings probably ranks at least average for IETF postings
>(I am sorry to say).
>It seems to me that Gordon's postings are the least of the challenges
>faced by the IETF mail list.

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