A couple of things happen with Friday meetings.

One is, there aren't enough of them.  It makes it hard to justify
staying the extra day.

The other thing is, recently, they've had a habit of scheduling
multiple common interest meetings on top of each other, like
PKIX and PGP, or two security meetings, or something like that, and
yet leaving Friday sparsley populated.  I'd rather stay through
Friday than miss half of what I went to attend.  My point here is
that it seems to me we could use Friday's time better, if we
have scheduling issues.

At 10:40 AM 1/17/2002 +0100, Fred Baker wrote:
>At 12:43 AM 1/17/2002, Rodney Thayer wrote:
>>If we seriously used the time on friday, thus making thursday
>>night more legitmate to schedule staying in town, that would help.
>I'd be curious to know what would define "using Friday seriously". We do 
>usually put meetings on Friday which also have a meeting earlier in the 
>week, meaning that if they get their job done earlier they can go home, 
>but it's not like we fail to schedule meetings there. Do you mean "the 
>working groups assume that everyone leaves Thursday, and so don't actually 
>plan to accomplish anything on Friday"?

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