> If it's easy-in, it's not *worth* much.

I definitely disagree with that, see below.

> A UL rating is worth something because it requires some effort.
> An ISO9001 cert means something because it requires some effort.
> An MCSE means something because it requires some effort.
> A driver's license means something because it requires some effort (OK,
> maybe not a LOT, but enough to pass the road test ;)
> A diploma from an unaccredited "send us a check, we'll send you
> a sheepskin" diploma-mill doesn't mean anything because there's no
> real effort to be made.
> Which of these 5 is your scenario most like?

None of the above.  I assume you *think* it means the diploma
from an unaccredited university.

But since when was the IETF unaccredited? 

Actually, the thing I think it is most similar to is citizenship,
such as US citizenship.  Which takes *0* effort to gain, and
means *A LOT*.


Kyle Lussier

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