On Fri, 15 Mar 2002, James M Galvin wrote:


> That is not to say that you can not "automatically" manage the exception
> list.  You just have to set it up.  LISTSERV (and my service) has a
> NOMAIL feature.  I believe with all of majordomo, mailman, and Lyris you
> can setup a "list" to be your exception list and then you configure the
> real list to also look there when checking "permissions".  Thus you use
> ordinary subscribe and unsubscribe commands to manage the exception
> "list".  It's not integrated in that it requires the maintainer to set
> it up, but once set up it will work.
>     > In any case the penalty for getting
>     > it wrong is delay, not censorship (at least in the case of the IETF
>     > guidelines).
>     Nope - the penalty is WORK for the moderator too.
> Agreed, but the work is once per email address if you add every
> exception to the "authorized" list as you discover them.  Once things
> settle down there shouldn't be very much work.
> Jim

there is also a work around for majordomo lists - if you "re-purpose"
the .intro file - see:


this is easier to manage than a second list, although this is passive
for list members unless you announce it via the info file -- I just
add secondary addresses as they occur -- users who want to declare a
secondary would need to send email to owner-listname.

- lel

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