> From: Scott Brim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> On Thu, May 30, 2002 10:59:27AM -0400, RJ Atkinson wrote:
> >     My druthers would be to have an IETF policy explicitly saying
> >     that the first choice is to use unencumbered technology if it
> >     can be made to work, second choice is encumbered but
> >     royalty-free technology, and last choice is "fair and reasonable
> >     licence terms" (or whatever the equivalent correct legal wording
> >     might be for that last).
> and if one solution is 120% better technically than another, but has a
> RAND license associated with it?  What if it's 170% better?

The de-facto policy in these cases has been to choose the
less-encumbered technology as the standard (i.e. MUST implement), and
the more-encumbered technology an option (MAY implement). For example,
when RSA was still encumbered and Diffie-Hellman was not, the IETF
settled on making Diffie-Hellman mandatory, RSA optional. Maybe this
should be documented.

-- Christian Huitema

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