At 10:01 AM 7/23/2002 -0700, Randy Bush wrote:
> > Proven technical base, motivated workers and ready market for products
> > using a specification.
> > Those certainly are a lousy basis for forming an IETF working group.
>you have an impressive talent for omitting text, twisting people's
>words, etc.  you should run for political office.
>i also said
> >> i submit that relevance, expertise, non-conflict with other
> >> standards groups, change control, etc. are important criteria.


Thanks for the ad hominem.  For my own part, I had refrained from noting 
your own accomplishment at invention.

There was nothing in the note you were supposedly responding to that hinted 
at the IETF's being a rubber stamp, yet that is the interpretation that you 
chose to create for it.

And you forgot to note that besides being ignorant of the technical issues, 
you apparently had no knowledge of the process-related history of this and 
were, therefore, ignorant of the fact that all of the issues you were 
voicing concern about had been addressed quite thoroughly.

Yet still you chose to post such a constructive, informed note.

Silly me, I thought area directors were expected to be careful about their 
activities concerning a matter they will be expected to pass judgement on, 
especially one about which there has already been such stellar, public IETF 
process achievement.


Dave Crocker <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
TribalWise, Inc. <>
tel +1.408.246.8253; fax +1.408.850.1850

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