On Tue, Jul 23, 2002 05:54:25PM -0700, Randy Presuhn allegedly wrote:
> Hi -
> Relatively few WG minute takers pay much
> attention to the Mortimer/Agnes/Duane bullet in
> http://www.ietf.org/instructions/minutes.html
> Is it time to update the web page to reflect actual practice?
> Might it be easier to get people to take minutes if they
> realized that we're not asking for blow-by-blow transcripts?
> Some of these meeting notes that capture (some of) the words
> but miss the point of the discussion.

That last point is a useful one, but when I can't be at a meeting I
strongly prefer blow-by-blow transcripts, even babbling, over just
results.  I want Meeting Notes with enough detail that I can pick out
the motivations and other nuances.  "Minutes", for the Proceedings,
should not exclude them.  

Sure, let's update some web page, and perhaps an RFC.

Thanks ... Scott

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